All The Ways You Can Reduce Your Taxes (Part 2)

Ultimately, if we could wave a magic wand and choose to have all our income come from [the investor] quadrant, we probably would. The taxation of the income from this quadrant is significantly lower than the others. Kyle J Christensen By Kyle J Christensen, Founder, Principles-Based Planner, Unique AdvantageUnique Advantage Monthly Client Email – May […]

All The Ways You Can Reduce Your Taxes (Part 1)

By Kyle J Christensen, Founder, Principles-Based Planner, Unique AdvantageUnique Advantage Monthly Client Email – April 2024 Leading up to April 15th of every year people all over the country begin asking the question, “How can I reduce my taxes?”I get it! No one enjoys writing the check to the IRS, especially if it’s large enough […]